This is what your dog or cat says to you

Most of the time, we talk to our animals in human language, and they often know approximately what we are saying based on the tone in which we talk. But did you know that your cat or dog also talks to you in its own way? Read on soon to discover how your four-legged friend communicates with you.

Talking dogs

Dogs use their mouths to communicate with. Not only by barking or growling; the lips and teeth also play a big role. An aggressive or frightened dog raises its lips to show its teeth. Nice to know: a dog can 'smile' at its owner! He then sits quietly, panting, with his mouth half-open and a hanging tongue. The tongue can also act as a sedative. If a dog is uncomfortable, it will try to calm the situation by licking your face or hands, for example.

Ears are not just for hearing with

Your cat's ears speak volumes about his state of mind. When your cat is curious, its ears are pointed forward. Dogs also react that way to something interesting. If your dog feels anxious or submissive, it will put its ears flat against its head. Cats also do this.

Swishing tails and friendly question marks

Dominant dogs keep their swishing tails up, while relaxed dogs keep their tails in a relaxed U-shape. When a dog is excited, it splashes from his whole body. His ears and body are relaxed, he has a relaxed, non-staring look and his tail swishes happily back and forth.

A cat can use its tail to tell anyone from afar whether you can come closer or not. Is a cat happy to see you or curious? Its tail then shoots straight up into the air. If your cat is relaxed and happy, its tail stands straight up and the tip curls down like a U or question mark.

Relaxed looks and winks

What a cat wants to say is also determined by the size of its eyes and pupils. If he is alert and he is comfortable, a cat's eyes are open. If its pupils are also narrow, it means your cat is excited. Are its eyes squeezed shut and its ears and body are also tense? Then the cat is angry or scared.

A relaxed cat has sleepy eyes, with a calm look and droopy eyelids. Sometimes your cat will then give you a slow wink with both eyes. This is a cat kiss and means he is completely at ease with you. As with cats, a calm look with drooping eyelids means your dog is comfortable. Alert or aggressive dogs, on the other hand, lock their eyes wide open.