Frequently asked questions

A pet parent, you want to take care of your pet in the best possible way. We would love to help you by sharing our knowledge and providing answers to all your pet dilemmas. To make it easier, we have listed the most frequently asked questions. Is your question not listed? Then please contact us!


Rosewood does not currently have kibble for cats, but it does have delicious meals and cat snacks. Our meals contain all the nutritional values your cat needs and can basically be combined with any kibble.

The amount of food you can give your dog or cat varies from product to product and depends on your pet's body size. Look for specific nutritional advice on the packaging.

Rosewood's dog snacks and meals are excellent to combine. The meals are packed with meat and healthy animal by-products. These contain substances that contribute to healthy intestinal function. This makes the meals a welcome addition to the kibble. Thanks to the wide choice of flavours, the meals are also a perfect dietary variation.

Yes you certainly can. Cats tend to be a little pickier, but our flavours and snacks can be alternated. Rosewood Dog Kibbles are available in the flavours Lamb, Chicken and Salmon. This is because all three are complete feeds that also provide sufficient nutrients together. However, switching does carry more risk of thinner stools.

Rosewood's meals are great for any dog, even if they need to go on a diet. All products contain only naturally occurring sugars and salts. For dogs with diabetes, Rosewood meals are very suitable as they do not contain any sugar. Rosewood dog snacks can also help well to maintain weight, as the fresh meat content in these snacks is high.

Our dog food is suitable for dogs from 14 weeks old onwards. 

Ingredients and preparation

Our meals and snacks for dogs are gluten-free. The meals for cats are both gluten-free and grain-free.

Rosewood's meals can be kept in the fridge for 3 days after opening. It is also possible to freeze the meals.

The amount of salt and sugar our products contain varies from product to product. There are only natural sugars and salts in Rosewood's meals. If you have a question about a specific product, please contact us.

Our kibble is extruded. Dogs have to chew more on an extruded kibble as it is harder. 

The difference between pressed kibble and extruded kibble: 

When lumps are extruded, they are heated to above 100 degrees Celsius. Steam is used for this purpose. Pressed kibble is prepared at a temperature below 90 degrees Celsius. The temperature is not high enough to unlock the grains in the pellet. Grains are therefore predigested to make them digestible in pressed kibble. With extruded kibble, this is not necessary because the temperature is high enough to unlock the grains.

Name change to Rosewood

Here we can be very brief: no! Rosewood's products are the same as those of Pets Unlimited in terms of both packaging and recipe. Same jacket, familiar quality, only our name changes.

However, you may find that some products will no longer be found under Pets Unlimited. These are items that, unfortunately, were not sufficiently purchased and will therefore make way for new tasty products.

Our name change from Pets Unlimited is very gradual. Over the coming period, more and more products will be given a new face and a new name. Nothing will change in terms of content. The following brands are from Rosewood:

  • Rosewood

  • Pets Unlimited

  • Best for your Friend

Pets Unlimited is the #1 when it comes to dog snacks in the Netherlands. Of course, we are very proud of that! But how great would it be if we could make dogs and cats all over Europe happy with our snacks and food?

By merging our Pets Unlimited and Rosewood brands, we believe we can make pets happy across Europe. We have already made great strides in France, the UK, Spain, Germany and Belgium, among others. That is why we decided to continue as one brand. This will allow us to focus even more on developing our snacks and food.